Groote Engel


Welcome to the website of Groote Engel, Sint-Katelijnestraat 53, 2800 Mechelen, Belgium

Dealership Piet Hein Eek

Piet Hein Eek is a Dutch furniture designer who offers a collection of quality, surprising and beautiful design furniture and accessories based on reuse of materials, local production and social engagement.

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Location rental

Groote Engel offers possibilities for event or mid-long term rental, such as an exhibition or pop-up shop

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The property...

Groote Engel is the largest part of the two-homes-under-1-roof that dates back to way before 1777, when the wooden facade was converted to stone.

After the purchase in 2018, a necessary and thorough restoration started in 2020 of the ground floor and the first floor, and in 2021-2022 of the higher attic floors.

In addition to restoring a historic building in Mechelen, our aim was to create a new place in the city, without a fixed destination, but with the intention of contributing creatively to the life and appearance of the city.

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